The morning starts with a gentle 'Morning!' before opening the shutters to let natural light in. If the weather permits, we open the window slightly to provide fresh air to circulate.
Some gentle music is played in The Sanctuary - but not loudly! We don't want anyone's ears to hurt!
All pets are checked first thing to make sure everyone is ok and that no one has had any issues over night. If any spots need cleaning, this will be done also.
Next, we ensure all have fresh, clean water, and those who have a morning dry feeding schedule are given their dry food. Everyone gets a hay top up or exchange also.
Those who have morning veggies are given a plateful of fresh greens to enjoy. We check all have access to their veggies and no one is left out.
Between this time and evening feeds, every hutch will either go outside in our run for exercise or if it's raining, use the playroom floor to stretch their legs. Water, hay and dry food is provided during these times.
While your pet is having fun, we get to work either spot cleaning or fully cleaning out their hutches! When they return, their hutch is refreshed and filled with hay and fresh water. If any dry kibble remains at this point, we scatter it around to encourage natural foraging instincts.
Cuddles are generally given while moving your pet from hutch to run and back again. We don't want to unnecessarily handle them and stress them out! If you pet needs brushing, this is done at this point. All pets are checked to ensure they are clean - if not, a quick bath with take place immediately!
Around tea time, our fridge alarms start wheeking (otherwise known as Teddy and Dough, our resident piggies who have evening veggies). We store fresh fruits and vegetables in our fridge so they're cool and crisp - if we can, they come from our garden allotment!
Veggies plates are assembled and everyone gets their evening vegetables. We always ensure everyone is eating and no one is left out. If you have ordered a grass tray, this is also provided at this point.
Those who have evening dry kibble get this provided after veggie plates have been cleared away. We only leave veggies in situ for an hour and remove any uneaten food from their hutches.
About an hour before lights out, we top up or exchange hay, refreshen waters and check everyone is doing ok and that they are comfortable.
Bedtime means closing the shutters, turning off the music and checking everyone is settled and ready for a good rest before another day begins!
Throughout the day, we potter in and out and check everyone is ok. The Sanctuary entrance is at the bottom of our stairs so everytime we pass we say a quick hello or have a chat. Sometimes, we even get an answer!
N.B. -
*Hay is provided at multiple points around the hutches so it is accessible by all in the hutch. Each hutch has at least 2 water bottles (one at either end) as hydration is so important. In the summer months, vegetables are rinsed in water to give your pet extra fluids. Veggie plates are made for 2 pets to share (or a single portion if a single occupant) so there are again, multiple access points - and no fighting for food. Every effort is made to give your pet their preferred vegetables and fruits. In the warmer months, we check pets' bums twice daily for flystrike morning and evening, even if they remain indoors. Fly guard can be applied if you wish.
**In hot weather, we use our air-conditioning system to keep The Sanctuary comfortable for your pets. In the winter, we use heating (I bet you didn't see that one coming!).
Runs like clockwork!
The Sanctuary
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